Building Electrification Resources
Bay Area Swap-a-clunker for ebikes grant
This is an unofficial description of the program by the ClimateAction Center Ebike Project .
For the official description and to apply, see www.BAAQMD.GOV/CleanCarsforAll) ​
Quick link to share this page is www.ClimateAction.Center/CCFA-ebike

Photo Credit: PeopleForBikes
Grants of $7,500 to low income residents to replace an old polluting car with a fleet of clean e-bikes for the whole family from the Bay Area Air Quality District (BAAQMD) under the Clean Cars for All (CCFA) program (www.BAAQMD.GOV/CleanCarsforAll)
Program basics:
Scrap a car that is model year 2005 or older, operational and under 10,000 pounds.
Replace it with one or more E-bikes
plus accessories (helmets, locks, racks)
plus Bay area public transit funds (Clipper Card)
Limited to income-qualified Bay Area residents in a Disadvantaged Community zip code
Don't qualify? Check out the Incentive Programs page to see if there is another program in your area that works for you. ​

What the grant covers:
Applicants receive a $7,500 prepaid PEX VISA card for use to purchase an e-bike.
Households may purchase as many as one e-bike per member of the household up to the $7,500 grant limit.
E-bikes must be labelled Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 and must be pre-approved by program staff before purchase.
Related accessories, including:
safety items, such as helmets, bright jackets or vests, fenders, bell or horn, and lights
security items such as locks, cables, GPS trackers and BikeLink membership
cargo carrying additions, such as racks, panniers, child seats or bars, front basket, and trailers. Also kickstand.
tools, such as a pump, pressure gauge, spare tubes, tire irons, patch kit. wrench, hex key, chain lubricant, and chain wear gauge.
Shipping & assembly & installation of accessories are covered as well.
Transit funds. ​The remaining balance after e-bike and accessories are purchased can be loaded on to a Clipper Card. for use on any of the dozens of bus, train & ferry systems in the Bay area that take Clipper (most do).
Carshare (coming) soon): The Air District is developing a program to include a car sharing option also to help out with those trips that can't be done on transit or e-bike.
This subsidy is large enough to cover the entire cost of a fully loaded cargo bike with all necessary accessories or at least two commuter bikes. With ebike prices coming down, you may be able to afford even more.
Applicants get 30 months (2 and one half years) to complete purchasing all items.
For help in selecting, riding and maintaining that new bike, check the Buyers Guide and other support materials developed by the E-Bike Project for the program.
Who qualifies:
The BAAQMD e-bike grant program is currently funded as an expansion of the BAAQMD Clean Cars For All program.
CCFA Participants must:
live in the Bay Area Air Quality Management District zip code. The previous zip CA Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) zip code requirements have been dropped. The district includes Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, western portion of Solano, southern portion of Sonoma counties. Includes much of the greater Bay Area from Santa Rosa to Gilroy and Santa Cruz almost to Stockton (map). If you are on one of the edges and have questions, start an application at CCFA Apply.
have income at or below the CCFA guidelines - $45,180 for a single person household, $61,320 for two people, $77,460 for three, and $109,740 for a family of four. See the Income section of the CCFA Eligibility page for other household sizes.
The vehicle to be scrapped must be:
2007 or earlier model year,
currently functioning,
less than or equal to 10,000 pounds and
registered by the applicant with the CA DMV for the last two years (You can turn in a car that is unregistered due to a failed smog test or some other situations).
The vehicle will be transferred to an authorized dismantler to be scrapped and recycled.
To Apply:
Go to CCFA Apply. For factsheets and the official guidance manual for the Mobility Options program go to Resources section of the CCFA Mobility Options page.
If you are specifically interested in the e-bike program and have further questions about the program, you can send the Air District an email at .
To learn more about how e-bikes work, see E-bike 101
For help selecting an e-bike, see How to select & outfit an e-bike
Is an ebike right for you? For advice and other e-bike riders' stories, see Stories & Blogs
Read about an applicant's experience with the process at CalBike's How to Get a Clean Cars for All E-Bike Voucher
Share your experience: If you are interested in applying to the program and would be willing to share your experience with the process, let us know through a note in the Contact form below.
Help spread the word
Please pass the word about this program. Find sample newsletter text and social media to share at PR Resources for CCFA. Print out this CCFA flyer (2 page PDF) which provides an overview of e-bikes and links to the program
The California Air Resources Board administers the Clean Cars For All (CCFA) program to provide incentives to lower-income California drivers to scrap their older, high-polluting car and replace it with a zero- or near-zero emission replacement. In 2019, CA Senate bill SB400 authorized the expansion of the CCFA program to include e-bikes & transit vouchers. The BAAQMD is the first regional Air District to implement the program
Current CCFE E-bike program status across the state:
The Bay Area Air Quality District (BAAQMD) took the lead among the state’s regional air quality boards in designing the first pilot program under this authorization. A few pilot applications were accepted in late 2020. The program then fully rolled out in January 2021.
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) began a similar program in 2022. As of March 2024, however, the SCAQMD Replace Your Ride Mobility Option website still said "More information about this option will be available soon".
If you are in the South Coast area and interested, register for the car-sharing & public transportation mobility option, then ask your case manager for the ebikes option. If you receive resistance, contact us below and we will put you in touch with someone who has obtained an ebike through the program and can help you navigate the process.
Other California regional air quality boards have the authorization to follow the BAAQMD model. Let them know you are interested to show the demand.